Thursday, October 16, 2014

Diablo III MadCow v.9991 and D3Emu V3 + LAN

 Diablo III MadCow v.9991 and D3Emu V3 + LAN

-D3Emu support retail client with 1.02.9991 version
- Download Diablo 3 game, and update it via Diablo 3 Launcher.
- Download SqlLite: (Even if you’re on x64, use x86 library) and install it.
- Download NET Framework 4 and install it.
- Download D3Emu.
- Put the rar file in C:\ and extract it there, the you should have a folder named D3Emu.
- Go to where you have install the game then go to Data_D3\PC\MPQs
- Copy this folders “base” and “enGB” and past them in C:\D3Emu\Assets\MPQ then go back to Data_D3\PC\MPQs
- Copy this files “ClientData.mpq” and “CoreData.mpq” and past them in C:\D3Emu\Assets\MPQ
- Then go where you install the game, make shortcut for Diablo III.exe and add this extension “-launch”

NOTE: When your Diablo 3 updated into version 1.02.9991 do not update it anymore

Tutorial to connect to server:

- Go to c:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\ and open hosts in notepad
- Add this lines botton
- Download PonyPatcher extract it, do not open.
- Open D3Emu then open Diablo III Shortcut with -launch extension in game press ALT+TAB and open PonyPatcher
- PonyPatch should say the game is runing and press Patch button.
- In game type “test@” and password “123456″ and you are ready to connect.

Tutorial to update your server

- Here is simple, just download D3Emu and replace the old one.
- If some times will require new files I will write.

Console Commands

‘!help [command] – short description of syntax and result
!commands – returns a list of all commands
!lookup [actor|monster|power|world|scene] – Searches in SNO database
!account [show|add|delete|setpassword] – Provides account managment commands
!account add – Set user-levels for players
!services [client] – List moonet services provided by the server
!rpcobject – Lists rpc-objects
!stats [system] – Renders statistics
!uptime – Renders uptime statistics
!version – Renders server version
!motd – Renders message of the day
!server – Allows you to control server and start/stop them
!debug – Ingame debug commands

Ingame Commands:

These commands can not be invoked from the console. You have to log in with a character. You have to send \r in your chat to be able to send commands.

!spawn [amount] [actorSNO] – spawns a mob
!tp – Transfers your character to another world
!town – Transfers your character back to town
!whoami – Returns information about current logged in account
!item Runestone_Unattuned_07 1 – Spawns Runestones

MadCow COmpiled v.9991
Go to the mooege command prompt type this: 
!account setpassword test@ mooege123
Then Sign in with these credentials: 
Username: test@
Password: mooege123

Diablo III MadCow v.9991 and D3Emu V3 + LAN